World Hunger Relief

pagi ni aku cek emel ofc, ropernye ada keje smlm yg aku tak setel, kejenya ialah mewar-warkan acara jalan kaki sempena kempen utk World Hun...
View PhotatoBug Slideshow
View PhotatoBug Slideshow

Kuala Lumpur Photography Fest

Kuala Lumpur Photography Fest ( Festival Fotografi Kuala Lumpur ) yang tiap2 tahun mengumpulkan ramai fotografi dari seluruh Malaysia. Macam...

ayo yo~

gosh, lama kan tak post any update bout me, bout fotografi, bout editing, talking bout office dilemma, show off my lil izz n anis.. nah, th...

I've temporary blog-spot template

duh, i really don't have time to study all new thing about new template..erm, dun really time or actuali i really lazy n hard to underst...

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